The film begins with classic signs of falling in love, from selfies of the couple being stuck to the wall to a little cuddly toy, reminding them that they are in love. However after the sex, the spooning and the matching Mario and Luigi costumes comes the sad bit. The room becomes messier, filled with clutter and bad feelings, showing how relationships can also do the same if you don’t metaphorically clean them up. The precious toy gets thrown around and then rain starts leaking through the ceiling. The London-based director Jack Tew has done an excellent job at representing the demise of a relationship through imagery. He uses the mess created to be a weapon that means the couple can physically throw the “blame” at each other. The love story ends when an alarm goes off and it’s really the wake up call this couple needed. Although the story is a sad one and represents many failed relationships, it teaches us a lesson on how to ensure our relationships don’t meet the same fate. Sort out the mess before it takes over. Jack Tew and producer Sorcha Anglim are based in London, UK and make story that “give us the feels!” You can check them out here. Featured photo credit: Jack Tew via